Solange - When I Get Home - [Albums]

Albums 08-03-2019, 07:54


Solange - When I Get Home
Label Columbia Records
Nombre de pistes 19
Genre R'n'B, Soul

1. Solange - Things I Imagined [01:59]
2. Solange - Time (is) [03:39]
3. Solange - My Skin My Logo [02:55]
4. Solange - We Deal With the Freak'n (intermission) [00:31]
5. Solange - Jerrod [03:02]
6. Solange - Binz[01:51]
7. Solange - Beltway[01:41]
8. Solange - Exit Scott (interlude)[01:01]
9. Solange - Sound of Rain[03:05]
10. Solange - Not Screwed! (interlude) [00:22]
11. Solange - I'm a Witness[01:51]
12. Solange - S McGregor (interlude)[00:16]
13. Solange - Down With the Clique [03:42]
14. Solange - Way to the Show [02:55]
15. Solange - Can I Hold the Mic (interlude) [00:21]
16. Solange - Stay Flo [02:55]
17. Solange - Dreams [02:28]
18. Solange - Nothing Without Intention (interlude)[00:23]
19. Solange - Almeda [03:56]

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