The Beatles - 1967-1970 (2023 Edition) [The Blue Album] - [Albums]

Albums 11-11-2023, 16:16

The Beatles - 1967-1970 (2023 Edition) [The Blue Album] FLAC HI-RES-G11DF3+MP3.rar

The Beatles - 1967-1970 (2023 Edition) [The Blue Album]
Label Capitol Records
Nombre de pistes 37
Genre Rock

1. Strawberry Fields Forever (2015 Mix) (4:12)
2. Penny Lane (2017 Mix) (3:01)
3. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (2017 Mix) (2:02)
4. With A Little Help From My Friends (2017 Mix) (2:44)
5. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (2017 Mix) (3:30)
6. Within You Without You (2017 Mix) (5:11)
7. A Day In The Life (2017 Remix) (5:08)
8. All You Need Is Love (2015 Mix) (3:49)
9. I Am The Walrus (2023 Mix) (4:36)
10. Hello, Goodbye (2015 Mix) (3:30)
11. The Fool On The Hill (2023 Mix) (3:00)
12. Magical Mystery Tour (2023 Mix) (2:49)
13. Lady Madonna (2015 Mix) (2:19)
14. Hey Jude (2015 Mix) (7:11)
15. Revolution (2023 Mix) (3:22)

1. Back In The U.S.S.R (2018 Mix) (2:46)
2. Dear Prudence (2018 Mix) (4:00)
3. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2018 Mix) (4:47)
4. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (2018 Mix) (3:11)
5. Glass Onion (2018 Mix) (2:20)
6. Blackbird (2018 Mix) (2:21)
7. Hey Bulldog (2023 Mix) (3:12)
8. Get Back (2015 Mix) (3:13)
9. Don’t Let Me Down (2021 Mix) (3:35)
10. The Ballad Of John And Yoko (2015 Mix) (3:01)
11. Old Brown Shoe (2023 Mix) (3:19)
12. Here Comes The Sun (2019 Mix) (3:07)
13. Come Together (2019 Mix) (4:20)
14. Something (2019 Mix) (3:04)
15. Octopus's Garden (2019 Mix) (2:52)
16. Oh! Darling (2019 Mix) (3:29)
17. I Want You (She's So Heavy) (2019 Mix) (7:47)
18. Let It Be (2021 Mix) (3:52)
19. Across The Universe (2021 Mix) (3:50)
20. I Me Mine (2021 Mix) (2:28)
21. The Long And Winding Road (2021 Mix) (3:38)
22. Now And Then (4:09)

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