Dead Can Dance - Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany - [Albums]

Albums 14-03-2022, 15:16

Dead Can Dance - Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany
Label Holy Tongue Records
Nombre de pistes 21
Genre Folk, Ambient

[4:30] 01. Nierika (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[6:03] 02. Babylon (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[3:28] 03. Yamyinar (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[5:37] 04. The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[8:46] 05. The Love That Cannot Be (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[5:51] 06. The Lotus Eaters (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[8:48] 07. Crescent (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[3:02] 08. Minus Sanctus (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[3:03] 09. Saltarello (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[3:24] 10. The Wind That Shakes the Barley (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[8:14] 11. How Fortunate the Man with None (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[4:29] 12. Dreams Made Flesh (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[2:41] 13. I Can See Now (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[4:58] 14. American Dreaming (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[5:01] 15. Sanvean (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[6:19] 16. Rakim (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[4:59] 17. Black Sun (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[5:42] 18. Salem's Lot (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[7:39] 19. Yulunga (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[4:01] 20. Severance (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

[7:39] 21. Hymn for the Fallen (Live from Münchner Philharmoniker, Munich, Germany. March 27th, 2005)

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